Monday, April 5, 2010

Farmers' Markets

It's Farmers' Market season here in Colorado and such a relief. I love the Farmers' Markets. I think it comes from trips to the different ones back home. Any fruit or veggie stand, truck selling watermelons, and tamale stand (inside joke) that we passed as kids was a guaranteed family stop. As I got older I continued the trend.

When I was in college, I was lucky enough to be in a town that had a devoted farmers' market shop year round. It was set up with an indoor outdoor location so tarps were set down on cold afternoons, and you kind of had to get there on produce delivery day -- the day before produce delivery day was the worst for selection, obviously. They also had a section of locally made pickles, jams, and everything else you can imagine. I miss it.

So when farmers' market season hits here in Colorado, I get super excited. There's a bevy of them to choose from and if you plan it right, you can probably do just about all of your shopping this way, just by hitting the various markets throughout the week.

Here are a few dates and locations in my immediate area, for those who are interested, and I'll be posting some more about my opening weekend trip throughout this week.

Boulder Farmer's Market: 13th Street between Arapahoe and Canyon -- Saturdays, April 3 - November 6 -- Wednesdays, May 5 - October 6

Longmont Farmers' Market: Boulder County Fairgrounds -- Saturdays, May 1 - October 30

Louisville Farmers' Market: Walnut and Front Streets at Steinbaugh Pavilion -- Saturdays, June 5 - October 18

Lafayette Farmers' Market: Festival Plaza -- Thursdays 4pm - dusk (can't find exact dates just yet)

For more, you can also check the Colorado Farmers' Market Association page here.

1 comment:

  1. Today the electric was activated at 941 main.
    Marquis Orange (SW6650) the color for the exterior along with other refurbishing supplies were delivered on site.

    We hope to have the exterior complete in two weeks. Temporary banner signs will be attached to the front , announcing to traffic on Highway 24/Main street the coming event.

    Target date June 9th 2010 will mark the start of an adventure on the High Plains of Colorado.

    Calls have started, the latest from Kit Carson.
    Last week it was Rahama .
    Networking the project on foot, talking with folks along highway 24,we discovered people who were excited about having their own Farmer's Market.

    The Internet, News Papers, Posters, Signs, are great.
    However networking on foot transfers positive energy that is common place at Farmer's Markets.
    Becky you are invited!

    Jim Broyles
