I've attempted pickles before. My uncle had a super easy sweets recipe that actually involved adding stuff to grocery store sliced dills. They're sweet and tangy, but not from scratch pickles.
Ages ago, I attempted various bread and butter recipes that didn't quite work out. I've not given them ago since.
Recently, though, I did have luck with Glass Onion's fabulous overnights (you can find the recipe here). They're fantastic, you can cut the recipe very easily, and they're awesome in the GO Cole Slaw (I'll have to try them in deviled eggs now).
We're pickle fans here, there's no question. In the dill world, Claussen's are second to none for us. I love bread and butters in my potato salad and I will use just about any pickle on a sandwich, depending on the various other fillers.
I've always wanted to make my own, though. One day, I'll find a good fit that I can adapt and twist around -- I would love an excellent SPICY bread and butter. And deli dills knock Vlasic out of the water any day.
Two more days till we get to see if Homesick Texan comes through for me (it was a good way to use up our jungle of dill in the Aerogrow at any rate!).
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